Always Sunshine Co.
A talented Photographer ATSUSHI SUGIMOTO started his gallery with his single shot in 2015 as Always Sunshine Co. which is one of the super rare art gallery for business and living in Japan.
He has explored around subtropical islands such as Hawaii, Australia, Tahiti and California for over 10 years. And now he’s based in the tropical island called Okinawa and also designing all the creative products in Indonesia as their original sustainable labels turquoise blue co. & FOLKS THE LABEL and also interiors with his photography.
He produce a word Life Style to the people thru the gallery shop.
フォトグラファーAtsushi Sugimotoが一枚の写真から2015年にスタートさせたAlways Sunshine Co.。国内では数少ない作品を選ぶところからオーダーメイドできるギャラリー。
ハワイ、カリフォルニア、オーストラリア、タヒチを中心に作品を展開。現在は沖縄県 恩納村にギャラリーショップを構えて、写真に基づいた拘りの雑貨、アパレルなども展開。一つ一つに心を込めて、手に取った方が幸せな気持ちになれるライフスタイルを提案。